© 2024 SGS Société Générale de Surveillance SA
For the latest in toy and juvenile product compliance, visit us at
Booth A-65, Hall 7, in the Nürnberg Exhibition Center. Book a meeting to meet our experts and get answers to your questions.
During the fair, our technical experts will also deliver a series of mini-talks on a range of hot topics. Mini-talks will take place at our Booth A-65, Hall 7.
Seats are limited.
Inflatable activity toys
Language: English
We offer a comprehensive range of solutions for manufacturers, retailers and importers to ensure that toy products comply with national and international regulatory standards, including the EU Toy Directive and the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Act (CPSIA).
Toy Safety Regulation
Language: English
Aktuelle Entwicklungen zur Spielzeugsicherheit
Language: German
Toys imitating food
Language: English
Ride on toys
Language: English